Saturday 17 June 2017

How to Learn SQL Injection

It took my ages to wrap my mind around SQL injection, never mind getting to the actual
point of performing SQL injection. One of the first times I tried to understand SQL injection
was when I was trying to learn programming on my own and stumbled across some SQL
injection examples on the internet and the topic really started to interest me. SQL injection
should have been something easy to learn considering the the vx zines from 29A that I was
reading at the current time, mentioned that if you had trouble learning assembly
programming then you should consider learning some form of server side scripting instead.
So I guess at that time it got me into the idea of reading some perl and eventually some PHP,
which got me on to the topic of SQL injection some how.  When I asked my extra math class
teacher at the time, who was a computer science major to explain SQL injection to me, he
had no idea what it was and instead explained linked lists to me and how to do a binary
search. This confused the crap out of me so I was still stuck trying to learn assembly
programming so I could understand how malware worked. This added an extra item to my
mental curiosity list which I would eventually figure out much later :SQL injection.  I'm sure
this blogpost will raise my position on some kind of interesting hidden NSA list, but please
take in mind that my motivation for writing this blogpost is purely to share my experience of
learning something that took me ages to wrap my mind around. SQL injection is really not
such a complex topic, if somebody explains it to you like you are five. There are very few
tutorials on the internet that happen to do just that. So this is my attempt at explaining
some things around SQL injection to five year olds. In the least this article should have you
understand some basics around SQL injection and should get you one step closer to learning it.

Before we get into how to learn SQL injection, let's discuss what SQL injection really is. If
you would like to learn something you should really start with what you already know and
build on that.  If you would just like to hack random people dump their databases from their
vulnerable custom crappy PHP sites, then I would recommend that you download sqlmap and
google for some youtube videos on sqlmap. I hope that this is not the path you choose to
SQL injection is the ability to run your own SQL on someone else's server or within someone
else's web application. Before we get into the details of what the implications of running
your SQL on my box could be, lets just have a brief history lesson on web application
In the past people generally ran a dedicated server with for example PHP,Apache, MySQL and
whatever else all on one server. That means that if the web application was vulnerable and
you could somehow gain access to the server from MySQL then ,given a few attacker
favorable conditions, you could possibly get a shell and go as far as rooting the server
completely.  People use to run things in chroot's as a precaution for this very reason, don't
get me started on chroot's though, its very sad to see that many modern sysadmin are
familiar with things like Docker, but not with the basics of using a chroot.  In modern times
the "cloud" is very popular and so is decoupling your web application. These days you could
be hacking a web application that is running on a server where the server connects to a
managed MySQL run by the Cloud provider. Your server would probably only be running PHP
and Apache with your code running on the server.  You might be using managed cloud
loadbalancers that sit in front of your web application.  This type of decoupled architecture
brings many new challenges to the modern penetration tester.  In my opinion the
penetration testing occupation will disappear in our life time(not completely, it will just
 cease to exist as we know it) due to the advent of bug bounty sites and also due to the
increased use of the "Cloud". There is another trend I won't discuss, but I'll just mention it
briefly: the modern "serverless" architecture of web applications. This is kind of a stupid
term if you think about it, because the resources are running on a server, whether you are
running the server or not. "Serverless" web applications also introduce a very interesting and
unique challenge for modern penetration testers. I suspect in the next two years we will see
some very interesting research from the infosec community regarding this topic.

Something to take note of is that the reason why you get different types of SQL injection has
to do with two things mainly:(I'm happy to hear if you care to differ, this is just an opinion
piece based on my experience and limited understanding. If you disagree then leave me a
comment or see if you can get hold of me somehow and send me a mail. I'm a nice guy! I'm
happy to hear you out. )
1. There are different ways of getting the output of the SQL that you are possibly running on
the other person's application's database. For example you
can get feedback by ex filtrating data via DNS , by getting errors printed to the frontend of
the web application and there are more ways, but I'll cover
all of those that I could think of later in this article.
2. Depending on the statement type  used in query you are injecting to and where in the
query you are injecting to would determine what type of SQL injection technique you are
making use of. For example you could be injecting into a part of a query that is trying to
evaluate something to either true or false in this case you could not do much but check for
things and check if those things are true or false. What I meant by injecting into different
statement types  for example you could be injecting into an INSERT query or for example the
most common would be to inject into a SELECT query. This topic is covered much better in
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook so I would recommend reading it, see the chapter
about "Injecting Into SQL".
There are a few topics that are very important to understand when it comes to SQL
1. How to get feedback on the SQL queries that you are running on someone else's resources.
In other words how to get the output of the queries that you are running on someone else's
SQL server. (That is if your queries are actually running.)
2.   Possible "bad" things that you could do once you are able to run your own SQL code on
someone else's SQL server. Just to be clear when I say SQL server I am referring to any kind
of SQL server (MySQL, Mariadb, Postgresql, Sqlite, Microsoft SQL server or any other
relational database technology for that matter), I am not only referring to MS SQL server as
many people like to refer to when they use the term "SQL server".
3. Different permissions models and security features of different databases.
4. Get to know different types of SQL injection and how each type works.
5. General SQL is very handy in this regard.
When you are new to hacking web applications there is something that nobody explains to

SQL injection and even XSS can be exploited via POST. Yes this might seem obvious to you,
but this wasn't obvious to me
when I first started. I had no idea that sql injection could be exploited in a way that did not
require a browser.
You will be  much closer to hacking web applications or even mobile applications,
once you realize that there are multiple ways to interact with web applications other than
the conventional Chrome,Firefox,IE,Opera or Chromium.
This really took me a while to grasp. All the examples I saw on the internet were doing
things like interacting with the web application via GET
in the URL bar.
There are a few things that you can do with SQL injection, and this is a topics that created
a great deal of confusion for me from the start. What you are able to do is very much
determined by the
query you are injecting to and the application logic:
1. In some cases you can use sql injection to bypass authentication of an application. This is
in some cases.
This is not in all cases of SQL injection. This took me a while to figure out. I always just saw
people do things
like add ' or 1=1 -- into queries that checked a user and password against the database.
2. You can use sql injection to extract data out of some tables or a whole database, this is
not possible
in all cases of sql injection and your ability to exfiltrate data is really limited
to different mechanisms that you can use to exfiltrate the data. A good database
administrator will lock that database
down to the point where even if SQL injection exists in an application the attacker would
either have trouble getting data out ,it will be impossible
to exfiltrate data or it will be very slow to get the data out.
What are some resources that I can use to learn about SQL injection?
1. Audi1 on youtube's SQL injection tutorials. Here is a link to the
cannot emphasize enough just how good these videos are at explaining SQL injection.
2. Play around with sqlmap and Damn Vulnerable Web App.
3. Read: The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
4. Read the OWASP Testing Guide.
What are some resources that I can use to learn more about the blue team side of SQL
injection? Wow I'm glad you asked! Some people are only interested in being little brats that
want to destroy things, but have no interest in the defensive side of infosec, don't be that
guy please. The really good "bad guys" are usually very knowledgeable in both sides of the
infosec coin.
1. The Database Hacker's Handbook. This is an excellent book if you would like to learn each
database technology in depth, how to defend each technology, but also more on how to
exploit each database. The book covers: MySQL, Postgresql, MSSQL,  and Oracle.
2. Hack Proofing MySQL
Let's have a look at different types of SQL injection:
1. The first type that most people know is error based SQL injection. What is error based SQL
injection? Error based SQL injection is very uncommon these days, but it is not impossible to
encounter it in the modern day world. Error based sql injection is where you see some kind
of error output from the web application when you input a specific input into the web
application that somehow breaks the query string. What does this actually mean though?
Let's look at an actual example by one of my favourite hackers
Just take note that being able to get a web application to throw errors upon adding a single
quote into a get parameter doesn't mean the application is vulnerable to SQL injection,
although it could possibly be vulnerable, you will have to do some further testing to verify
this. I once had a bit of an embarassing moment when I found an error based on the behavior
I just described on only to find out later that the error was an error from a
component that they used from mediawiki and that this was a known behavior in the
mediawiki software.  I was busy participating in their bugbounty and I guess I got excited a
bit too early. Here is a screenshot of the error that I got.

2. Time based SQL Injection:
This is what is often referred to as one of the types of blind sql injection. Why is it called
blind sql injection, well you can't see anything obvious happening in the frontend of the web
application when you find a valid injection point. So you start poking around in the dark.
Time based sql injection is a weird type of SQL injection where you get feedback from the
database by running a
query that does something to timeout or delay the database.  This works by running a valid
query by injecting SQL
and making use of a built in function that is usually used to timeout or benchmark a query.
This doesn't make that much sense if somebody just
explains it without examples. So let me show an example so it makes more sense. (My
examples won't be nearly as good as the videos by audi1 that I linked
earlier so please check them out. )
My example I will be running a sqlite query that just generates something random, but you
can think of it as a function
that times out the query since it takes so long to execute the query which is generating the
random blob. I'm using sqlite in my example
, for a few reasons but the main reason is, because it is easy to install and work with.
The first thing to run is:

So now let's try run it with the time command in front of it, its the unix command for
determining how long it
will take to run a command:
(This command will create a file test.db , feel free to delete it afterwards)

So how does running this tie in with time based sql injection. Well let's consider a valid
query with no benchmarking and now for a moment consider that you can't see this query
run in the background of the web application. How would you know if you injected into the
query? You can't see anything in the frontend of the web application so there is no
immediate feedback.
Something interesting to note is that not all databases have these types of built in SQL
functions. One example of such a database is Apache Derby. (Or I am under the impression
this is the case)
I once found an application that was vulnerable to SQL injection , but made use of Apache
Derby on the backend and from what I could find on the internet
Apache Derby database did not have any built in functions that could be used to benchmark
or timeout the query.  Perhaps there are other built in functions that
I could have used to get feedback. I reckon it would be interested to see the comments if I
post this article on reddit to see if anyone thinks otherwise.
3. Boolean based SQL injection:
For some time I thought I was the only one who found boolean based SQL injection rather
confusing, as part of writing this post I ended up googling the topic and found that this was a
topic of great confusion for many other people too. Here is an example of a
security.stackexchange post where someone expressed their confusion
Something that nobody explains to you in depth when you start out with SQL injection is that
occasionally you will find a boolean based SQL injection that can be used to bypass
authentication in an application. It took my ages to understand this as I really couldn't get
why examples that I saw on the internet showing how to bypass authentication using SQL
injection tied in with the idea of stealing data out of the database with this same "SQL
injection" thing. Stealing data and bypassing authentication were really two different things
to me so I didn't understand how SQL injection could be used to do both.  Obviously if you
could bypass authentication then you would have access to more parts of the application as
opposed to an unauthenticated session of the web application, but I still didn't understand
how the same attack could be used to steal data. I''ll continue in post two of this series of blogposts.

Bigdata tools in the pentester's toolbox

For both penetration tester's and blackhat's it is important to always stay on top in terms of learning new things and staying ahead of the curb in this very competitive industry. Blackhat's tend to be better at staying on top of their ball game compared to penetration testers who are really just always a step behind (this is a rash generalization, but from my experience this is the reality). A trend that I've been seeing a great deal is that many companies are moving a great deal of their assets to the Cloud based hosting providers.  This is a challenge for pentesters who are used to environments where everything is hosted on premise or in conventional data centers. To stay on top of times I suggest that you start using some cloud related technologies in your penetration testing workflow. Also while we are seeing this huge move toward the "Cloud" we are also seeing a huge bubble in the Big Data world, the infosec world is slowly also moving towards being more cloud orientated.

What are some big data tools that you might want to have in your pentester toolbox and why?
1. Elasticsearch:

  • For very obvious reasons Elasticsearch with an ingester plugin such as Logstash or Fluentd is very good for log management and analyzing logs for security related reasons.
  •  Elasticsearch is a nice search engine for web application penetration testing, when used in combination with Burp Suite. See this article that I wrote as a ghostwriter for qbox on the topic:
  • Many people are using Elasticsearch these days in PHP web applications. As Elasticsearch is used more and more by developers we will see more and more occurences of noSQL injection attacks or what some people like to refer to as Elasticsearch injection. Elasticsearch has a very weird security model and at the time of writing ,unless you have the X-pack plugin installed you won't have the ability to restrict data in your index to specific users. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this one). Here are some interesting things to read regarding Elasticsearch injection: also see: 
  • There have been several CVE's for Elasticsearch. They are all worth reading about.

2. Dynamodb:

  • I can't say much about this, but Dynamodb has a very cool feature where you can "alert" on changes to your table. I'm not going to go into much detail on this topic, but tldr is that you need to enable streams and triggers on the stream. This could be an amazing feature to use for example if you are logging changes to your domain controller to a Dynamodb table. (Hope I'm not ruining anyone's startup idea right there.)
  • Another interesting use case would be too "alert" every time a new IP tries to ssh into one of your boxes. 

3. Hadoop:

So before I carry on rambling take note that I havn't mentioned hadoop yet, which is strange since no Big Data conversation is complete without the words "hadoop" or "Map reduce" being mentioned. So far the topics I've covered are what are considered "analytics" Big data products. Hadoop is most certainly something useful to be familiar with, but in my opinion we might see something else come to replace the Hadoop ecosystem in the next five years. One thing I've already spotted an open source project that has a great deal of potential in terms of replacing the hadoop eco system. This is the project if you would like to have a look: Hadoop is a cool topic because it is very widely used not only in the cloud , but also in one site deployments at many big financial deployments. There is very little research from the security community on the topic of Hadoop in my opinion, or atleast not that I am aware of.

4. MongoDB:

Mongodb is a really cool topic. I could write an entire blogpost just about Mongodb and interesting things that I've seen around mongodb. Where do I even start?

Saturday 8 October 2016

Lazy directory searching for Pentesters

In many penetration tests the client will often just give you the IP of your target.  I tend to look for web applications as soon as I can. In my opinion if you want to gain access to a large organization's data then the fastest way is often via some security issue in one of their web applications.

On the topic of using Kali Linux, I use to think this was a good idea till an online friend of mine mentioned something interesting to me, this was not his exact words, but he said something like this:
"You don't need Kali, you can use any Linux distro or even BSD, just clone the tools that you need and familiarize yourself with your tools." I enjoy poking fun at people who make use of Kali even though there are loads of really talented infosec folk who make use of Kali. I could make list, but there are just so many people who make use of it. In an internal pentest it would often really make sense to make use of Kali as some of the tools used will take a long time to setup if you don't use them often.  Kali has a pretty cool set of tools, but I often like the set of tools over on the blackarch distro's list of tools far more, as it contains many more new unheard of tools. See the extensive list here: , this list might keep you busy for a while.   I found on of my favourite(this is the correct spelling for the word in British english) tools for finding directories and files during web application assessments on this list of tools, I'll talk about it later, the tool is called dirsearch. (This tool might be on Kali, I don't keep up with Kali enough to comment on that.)
If you do end up making use of Kali, especially in an internal pentest, then I suggest you lock it down, especially if you are running it in a vm and you are using ssh to login to your own vm. There is a topic that is not often discussed in the infosec community and that is the topic of attacking attackers and attacking attacker tools. We don't practice what we preach or we don't practice what we preach as much as we should.  I often see things that really disappoint me such as: pentesters with Burp's Root CA installed in their regular browser or guys being logged into facebook,twitter and gmail in the same browser that they are using to find cross site scripting on sites that could possibly already have other attacker's stored cross-site scripting payloads stored in that very page.

 If you can code, then I suggest that you modify your own tools or make helper tools even if they are just wrappers to automate running your different tools of choice.  If you have the time then go as far as to write your own Burp suite plugins, this can be very rewarding to if you do bug bounties.

If you like hacking web applications then you will hopefully know that you need a  really good directory or file searching tool. I know many people like the classic tool dir buster. My current favorite directory "busting" or searching tool is dirsearch, the author of dirsearch calls it a web path scanner.  It was originally called "dirs3arch". Dirsearch is written in python3 and follows a pretty structured coding style. (Maybe if you ever read my python code you would think that I know very little about writing beautiful and well structured code, so maybe my opinion doesn't matter in that respect.)
 Here is a link to a really cool post describing how to use dirsearch to find interesting URL's on a url shortening service. . I would highly recommend reading over the entire blog of, the guy has an interesting take on things and comes up with interesting ideas.  I like the angle he takes on things and I also like how he
comes up with new ideas.

The basic usage for dirsearch is as follows:

$ python3 -u -e php  -w db/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt  -x 403 

You can output the stdout to a file and to stdout with:

$ python3 -u -e php,html -t 5 -w db/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x 403 2>&1 | tee results1.txt

This brings me to my next point:
Where do you get wordlists for directory searching?
How to you make use of them in a way that is quick,easy,lazy and intuitive?
There isn't much written on this topic in my opinion.
Well let me show you what I prefer to do.  Daniel Miessler (cool guy with interesting opinions,also has a blog worth reading) maintains a very cool list which contains various files related to hacking web applications. I like to clone this list if I don't have it already, and if I already have it then I like to pull the latest changes. The repo has a directory for finding directories in web applications it can be found here:
$ ls Discovery/Web_Content/

A quick very hacky method we could use to create one wordlist to rule them all, would be to do the following: (The list will contain duplicates though)
$ cd ~/SecLists-master/Discovery/Web_Content/

$ cat *.txt > merged.txt

$ python3 -u "" -t 5 -w ~/SecLists-master/Discovery/Web_Content/merged.txt -e jsp,jspx -x 400 2>&1 | tee results1.txt

The problem is that we will have many duplicate entries in our file merged.txt. Thanks to the wonderful set of tools that open sorcerers have worked hard to create for us, we can remove the duplicate entries. See this example, this example is not related to finding directories yet.
$ cat /tmp/one.txt 

We can remove the duplicate entries using the following:

$ sort /tmp/one.txt | uniq

This is obviously worth nothing if you don't save the output, let's save the output to a file so we have a file without the duplicate entries:

$ sort /tmp/one.txt | uniq > /tmp/two.txt

You can see that this file only contains the unique entries by looking at the file's contents:
$ cat /tmp/two.txt

This is just a very short post, but if you want to do some further reading on this topic then I suggest that you look at the tool cewl, it can be used to generate wordlists specific to a company or organization. I've certainly found great use with this tool, there are other tools like it out there too that might also be worth looking into.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Cool XSS Tricks with Anonymous Javascript Functions

I recently found a cross site scripting (XSS) bug in a web page, but it was in a very weird place. The page somehow did something with the current url, where the current url was placed in a definition of a function, but the function wasn't being called. I would love to post the vulnerable piece of code where I found the xss, but I'm unfortunately not allowed to do that. I'll discuss what I found and why it was interesting so hopefully you will keep reading.
Hopefully if you are interested in infosec, then you actually have the ability to code unlike what is shown in this blackhats comic:(From

Back to the point I was trying to make, if you are even remotely interested in infosec, then you should have a good understanding and healthy interest in programming. In Javascript there is something called anonymous Javascript functions. Anonymous functions in Javascript have the ability to call themselves. In the context of the example I mentioned I was only able to inject javascript into where a function was being defined, but I was unable to call the function. So if I could define an anonymous function, then I could get the function to execute itself. What does this actually mean, well let's look at an example on JSFiddle.

(function() {
 alert('Hello World');

As you might know, when it comes to xss, things are often not just that simple.  In the context of the example I found, I was unable to make use of a semicolon. No problem I can make it work without a semicolon. This is the equivalent code without the semicolon: (If you don't believe it works, then try the jsfiddle link)

(new Function(alert(0)))()

What if we could shorten the code even more. We can actually shorten the definition for a anonymous self executing javascript function:


Here is the link to the code on jsfiddle if you would like to try it:
How boring would it be if we could only show alert boxes showing '0' on a victim's computer. If you are a xss king then I suggest that you try taking the hook from BEEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) and embed it in the part of the function where the code for the function is defined and then use jsfuck to create an obscure piece of code to hook your victim. This can make for an interesting combination. I'm going to finish off with an interesting example payload in jsfuck just to show off what we just learned.  We define an anonymous function and then we just call confirm(document.domain), but the confirm part will be encoded with JSFuck(excuse my french).
This is a rundown of what the code looks like before I encode the confirm part:

(new Function(confirm(document.domain)))()

Here is what the end result looks like:

Here is the jsfiddle link if you want to try it:

Cool XSS Tricks with Anonymous Javascript Functions

I recently found a cross site scripting (XSS) bug in a web page, but it was in a very weird place. The page somehow did something with the current url, where the current url was placed in a definition of a function, but the function wasn't being called. I would love to post the vulnerable piece of code where I found the xss, but I'm unfortunately not allowed to do that. I'll discuss what I found and why it was interesting so hopefully you will keep reading.
Hopefully if you are interested in infosec, then you actually have the ability to code unlike what is shown in this blackhats comic:(From

Back to the point I was trying to make, if you are even remotely interested in infosec, then you should have a good understanding and healthy interest in programming. In Javascript there is something called anonymous Javascript functions. Anonymous functions in Javascript have the ability to call themselves. In the context of the example I mentioned I was only able to inject javascript into where a function was being defined, but I was unable to call the function. So if I could define an anonymous function, then I could get the function to execute itself. What does this actually mean, well let's look at an example on JSFiddle.

(function() {
 alert('Hello World');

As you might know, when it comes to xss, things are often not just that simple.  In the context of the example I found, I was unable to make use of a semicolon. No problem I can make it work without a semicolon. This is the equivalent code without the semicolon: (If you don't believe it works, then try the jsfiddle link)

(new Function(alert(0)))()

What if we could shorten the code even more. We can actually shorten the definition for a anonymous self executing javascript function:


Here is the link to the code on jsfiddle if you would like to try it:
How boring would it be if we could only show alert boxes showing '0' on a victim's computer. If you are a xss king then I suggest that you try taking the hook from BEEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) and embed it in the part of the function where the code for the function is defined and then use jsfuck to create an obscure piece of code to hook your victim. This can make for an interesting combination. I'm going to finish off with an interesting example payload in jsfuck just to show off what we just learned.  We define an anonymous function and then we just call confirm(document.domain), but the confirm part will be encoded with JSFuck(excuse my french).
This is a rundown of what the code looks like before I encode the confirm part:

(new Function(confirm(document.domain)))()

Here is what the end result looks like:

Here is the jsfiddle link if you want to try it:

Cool XSS Tricks with Anonymous Javascript Functions

I recently found a cross site scripting (XSS) bug in a web page, but it was in a very weird place. The page somehow did something with the current url, where the current url was placed in a definition of a function, but the function wasn't being called. I would love to post the vulnerable piece of code where I found the xss, but I'm unfortunately not allowed to do that. I'll discuss what I found and why it was interesting so hopefully you will keep reading.
Hopefully if you are interested in infosec, then you actually have the ability to code unlike what is shown in this blackhats comic:(From

Back to the point I was actually trying to make, if you are interested in infosec, then you should have a good understanding and healthy interest in programming. In Javascript there is something called Anonymous Javascript functions. Anonymous functions in Javascript have the ability to call themselves. In the context of the example I mentioned I was only able to inject javascript into where a function was being defined, but I was unable to call the function. So if I could define an anonymous function, then I could get the function to execute itself. What does this actually mean, well let's look at an example on JSFiddle.

(function() {
 alert('Hello World');

As you might know, when it comes to xss, things are often not just that simple.  In the context of the example I found, I was unable to make use of a semicolon. No problem I can make it work without a semicolon. This is the equivalent code without the semicolon: (If you don't believe it works, then try the jsfiddle link)

(new Function(alert(0)))()
What if we could shorten the code even more. We can actually shorten the definition for a anonymous self executing javascript function:


Here is the link to the code on jsfiddle if you would like to try it:
How boring would it be if we could only show alert boxes showing '0' on a victim's computer. If you are a xss king then I suggest that you try taking the hook from BEEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) and embed it in the part of the function where the code for the function is defined and then use jsfuck to create an obscure piece of code to hook your victim. This can make for an interesting combination. I'm going to finish off with an interesting example payload in jsfuck just to show off what we just learned.

We define an anonymous function and then we just call confirm(document.domain), but the confirm part will be encoded with JSFuck(excuse my french).
This is a rundown of what the code looks like before I encode the confirm part:

(new Function(confirm(document.domain)))()

Here is what the end result looks like:

Here is the jsfiddle link if you want to try it: